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Doddridge County Veterans

Who Died in the Korean Conflict

"The story of America’s quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots." -Randy Vader

Click the veteran's name to view his profile on Doddridge County Roots.

Pfc, US Army 

Cpl, US Army 

Doddridge County Veterans

Who Died in Vietnam

"The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."  John F. Kennedy

Click the veteran's name to view his profile on Doddridge County Roots.

Cpl, USMC 


SP4, US Army 

Sgt, US Army

SSgt, US Army

1969 Died in Vietnam, non-hostile causes

1970 Killed in non-battle ammo accident, Okinawa

1966 Killed in action

1966 Died in Vietnam of battle wounds

1965 Killed in action

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